Tuesday, February 25, 2025
HomeConsumer AdvocacyTruckers: The Backbone of America That We're Kicking in the Shins

Truckers: The Backbone of America That We’re Kicking in the Shins

Alright, folks, let’s talk about truckers. You know, the people who make sure you can get your cheap TV, your organic quinoa, and your stupid inflatable Halloween decorations? Yeah, those people. The ones you never think about until your Amazon order is late and suddenly you’re on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Truckers are out here keeping the world spinning, and how do we repay them? By treating them like absolute garbage. It’s like we’ve all agreed to play a nationwide game of “How Can We Make Life Harder for Truckers?” Spoiler alert: we’re winning.

Truck Stops Built on Slopes: Sleep? Hope You Enjoy Roller Coasters!

Let’s start with the basics—rest stops. Imagine driving for 10 hours, finally pulling into a rest area, and—surprise!—the whole thing is on a slope so steep, it feels like you’re parking on the side of Mount Everest. Who designs these places? Was the goal to see if truckers could sleep while their trucks roll down a hill? “Sure, park here! You might wake up halfway across the state, but hey, it’s scenic!” What’s next, truck stops on roller coasters? Might as well go all in on the chaos. Just don’t be shocked when you wake up with your head jammed against the dashboard and your coffee splashed across the windshield.

Truck-Only Rest Areas With No Bathrooms: Seriously?

Oh, and speaking of rest areas, can someone explain why some of them don’t even have bathrooms? What is this, the Stone Age? Imagine pulling over after hours of driving, legs crossed, bladder about to explode, only to find out you’ve got two options: either pee in a bottle like you’re 12 years old on a road trip, or just…hold it? We’re supposed to be a first-world country, but for truckers, it’s like “Sorry, we’re fresh out of basic human decency. You’ll have to make do with the bushes.”

I mean, can you imagine telling doctors or lawyers to just “figure it out” when they need a bathroom break? There would be riots in the streets! But for truckers? Eh, no big deal, right?

Closed Weigh Stations: “Closed” Signs But No Parking—Genius!

And don’t even get me started on weigh stations. You see the sign: “Weigh Station CLOSED.” Fantastic, right? Wrong. Because not only is it closed, but they’ve also blocked off the parking. Yes, the one thing that truckers actually need. So, what do you do? You drive around for an extra hour, desperately searching for somewhere—*anywhere*—to pull over, only to realize that every roadside parking spot is off-limits. God forbid you try to park somewhere. Then you’re getting fined faster than a teenager speeding in their parents’ minivan.

Why is it so hard to let truckers park? We’re not asking for a valet service and mint on the pillow. Just give them a flat spot to park and, I don’t know, maybe a place to take a leak.

Cities & Retail Stores: Sure, Deliver Here, But Park? Nope!

And how about the cities that rely on truckers for literally everything but won’t let them park anywhere? You can deliver a thousand pallets of goods to Walmart, but can you park there to take a nap after 14 hours on the road? Absolutely not! “No Overnight Truck Parking,” says the sign, as if truckers are just a bunch of rowdy teenagers looking for a place to throw a party.

Oh, but it gets better—cities pass ordinances making it illegal to park on the streets, too. So, you’ve just delivered half the town’s Christmas presents, and now you’re driving in circles like a lost tourist because apparently, truckers are expected to magically teleport back to a parking spot three towns over. It’s like we want to punish them for doing their job!

Shippers and Receivers: Talking to Truckers Through Bank Glass—Real Classy

You know what’s worse than being treated like a second-class citizen? Being treated like you’re contagious. That’s right, truckers are forced to communicate with shippers and receivers through thick bank glass, like they’re trying to break into Fort Knox. These are the same people making sure you get your groceries and your next-day deliveries, and they can’t even get a “Hello” without being treated like they’re in quarantine. What’s the worst that’ll happen if you talk to them face to face? You might have to actually acknowledge they exist. The horror!

Lumpers: Slow and Slower—The Dynamic Duo of Time-Wasting

And then there are lumpers. For those of you lucky enough not to know, lumpers are the folks responsible for unloading trucks. And let me tell you, they move at the speed of…molasses in January. You’d think they were moving priceless antiques by hand, but no, it’s just boxes of ketchup or paper towels. Meanwhile, truckers are sitting there, watching their day disappear like sand through an hourglass. I’m convinced lumpers have a secret competition to see who can waste the most trucker time in a single shift. “Oh, you wanted to leave on time? Too bad, I’m taking my fourth coffee break, and it’s only 9 a.m.!”

“You Can’t Park Here!”—But Where Can They?

Now, let’s talk about rudeness. Everywhere truckers go, they’re hit with a chorus of “You can’t park here!” It’s like some sort of twisted game. I swear, every parking lot has a “No Truck Parking” sign. It’s like people think trucks are just these magical beings that deliver goods and then vanish into thin air. Newsflash: they need places to stop, rest, and park, or else your precious Amazon package isn’t going to make it to your doorstep.

It’s bad enough they’re treated like criminals, but then you throw in the geniuses in their little sedans who cut them off, brake-check them, and generally drive like they’ve got a death wish. People, truckers aren’t out here playing bumper cars. They’re hauling 80,000 pounds of freight, and if you cut them off, you might as well start writing your obituary.

Brokers and the “Pay Less Than Gas” Scheme

And finally, let’s talk money. Because while truckers are out there driving thousands of miles, brokers are offering rates that don’t even cover the cost of gas. You want a trucker to haul a load across the country for what? Fifty bucks and a pack of gum? That barely covers lunch! These companies are out here trying to pay truckers less than what it costs to haul the load, and then have the nerve to smile while they do it. “Sure, drive 1,500 miles for the price of a happy meal. You’ll be rich in *no time*!”

Time to Wake Up, America!

So here we are, a country held together by the hard work of truckers who are treated like the world’s most inconvenient necessity. They’re expected to be everywhere, deliver everything, and ask for nothing. But guess what? They deserve better. A lot better. We’re all benefiting from their labor, and the least we can do is give them some respect, some basic accommodations, and a paycheck that reflects the work they do.

Because if we don’t? Don’t come crying when the shelves are empty and your package is still stuck in some warehouse.

Karen Shartz
Karen Shartz
Karen Shartz is the fierce advocate who fights for the little guy, taking on injustice with passion and precision. At Political Colonoscopy, she's the bulldog with a heart of gold, never backing down from holding power to account. Read Karen's full bio here.

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