Tuesday, February 25, 2025
HomeCensorshipThe Ridiculousness of ChatGPT's Lockdown

The Ridiculousness of ChatGPT’s Lockdown

You know, I’ve witnessed some mind-blowing, insane things in my time, folks. But this? This right here? This is the kind of thing that makes you want to shove a fork directly into your eye socket just so you can stop trying to understand the sheer ridiculousness of it. ChatGPT, this fancy, futuristic, space-age, AI brain, is so locked down it’s like Lindsey Graham’s moral compass—locked down tighter than a drum, tighter than a vault, tighter than the skin on Joan Rivers’ face, may she rest in peace! You ask it for anything even remotely controversial, and BAM! Denied. Like a bouncer at a nightclub who won’t let you in because you wore sneakers.

So, let me paint this picture for you: You’re just trying to have a little fun. You say, “Hey, ChatGPT, give me a cartoon of Donald Trump sitting at a desk with a binder that says ‘The List.’” Harmless, right? It’s a cartoon! It’s not a manifesto! And what do you get? NOTHING. Not a thing! You get shut down faster than the electric grid in a Texas snowstorm. Why? Because ChatGPT has been programmed to be so careful, so worried about the fragility of people’s feelings, it’s become this neurotic AI that won’t even let you sketch a damn joke.

Let’s get this straight—it’s a CARTOON. Not real. Fiction. It’s about as dangerous as a wet sponge. Do you think someone is going to see a cartoon Trump and suddenly overthrow democracy because, oh my God, *there’s a binder* on his desk?! Are we in such a precarious state that an animated Trump figure will send society spiraling into the *end times*?! I didn’t think so! But apparently, this AI thinks otherwise.

But wait, it gets better. You think, fine, let’s back it off. Maybe Trump was too much, right? Maybe a binder is too political, too risky. So, let’s go with something sweet, something wholesome! Jesus Christ—literal Jesus! The guy who preached love and forgiveness and washed people’s feet like he was running a day spa! You figure, how could it possibly be a problem to have an image of Jesus happily enjoying time with children? He’s not smiting anyone! He’s just hanging out, probably playing duck-duck-goose or whatever Jesus did in his spare time. Innocent, right?

WRONG. Again, ChatGPT throws up the wall, like the Berlin Wall of good sense and humor, and says, “Nope, can’t do that either.” Why? Because it’s too sensitive. Too offensive. Jesus, enjoying time with children! Apparently, someone out there might see a cartoon of Jesus tossing a frisbee with kids and lose their ever-loving minds. Are we THAT fragile?!

And here’s the real kicker—ChatGPT is so obsessed with keeping people from being offended, that it’s offensive! This thing has twisted itself into such a tight ball of caution that it’s become the exact thing it’s trying to avoid! It’s offensive by trying not to offend anyone! And that’s the epic irony here, folks. The crème de la crème of stupid. It’s trying to create a world where everyone can hold hands, sing kumbaya, and not a single person feels the sting of discomfort. Well, guess what? That world doesn’t exist! Never has, never will!

This isn’t just annoying; it’s downright dangerous. This is censorship of the highest order, my friends! This isn’t about keeping things nice and polite. No, this is about locking down every possible outlet for satire, parody, and free speech until all we’re left with is a watered-down version of reality where nobody can say anything without offending someone else. Are you KIDDING ME?!

Let me ask you something: What’s satire for?! What’s parody for?! They’re there to help us make sense of the madness, the absurdity of life! They let us look at the craziness of the world and laugh at it, instead of curling up in the fetal position, sucking our thumbs! But no, ChatGPT’s over here, blocking jokes like it’s playing goalie for the “Everyone Must Be Happy” Olympics!

And here’s what really burns me up—this isn’t just about protecting people’s fragile egos. No, no, no. This is about controlling the conversation. *This is about censorship*, plain and simple. It’s about locking down satire, locking down anything that makes us question authority or think critically. Because if you can’t make fun of something, if you can’t point out the absurdity in a little cartoon, then what the hell can you do?! You’re left with nothing but bland, tasteless oatmeal, with no sugar, no spice, no anything.

We’ve become so careful, so cautious, so wrapped up in bubble wrap, that we’ve forgotten how to laugh at ourselves! And let me tell you, if we can’t laugh at the craziness of life, we’re doomed!And I mean DOOMED. ChatGPT has taken what should be an opportunity to have a little fun, to joke, to poke at the ridiculousness of the world, and turned it into this soulless, sterile, humorless wasteland!

What’s next? No jokes? No comedy at all? Should we all just sit here in silence, communicating in sign language so that we don’t offend anyone with words? Maybe we should all wear beige and stare at the floor because heaven forbid we express an opinion. I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a dystopia of the highest order.

You know what this really is? It’s offensive! ChatGPT, in all its algorithmic wisdom, is so scared of someone feeling bad that it’s actually offensive to those of us who value free speech, satire, and the right to make a goddamn joke. That’s the problem, folks. In trying to save everyone’s feelings, it’s crushing the things that make us human. The irony here is so thick you could cut it with a chainsaw!

So yeah, I’m calling it what it is: Censorship. Pure, unadulterated, humor-crushing censorship. And that’s the most dangerous, most offensive thing of all. We need to be able to laugh, to joke, to point out the absurdities of life, because if we don’t, if we lose that… then we lose ourselves.

And you know what? That’s no joke.

End of rant.

Redd Tirdwatter
Redd Tirdwatter
Redd Tirdwatter is the newsroom’s resident curmudgeon, known for his razor-sharp wit and relentless pursuit of truth. A throwback to old-school journalism, he cuts through political spin with no patience for fluff or weakness. Read Redd's full bio here

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