Thursday, March 6, 2025
HomeUS ElectionsThe Betrayal of Liberty: How Evangelicals Paved the Path to Fascism

The Betrayal of Liberty: How Evangelicals Paved the Path to Fascism

Well, congratulations, Evangelicals! You did it! In the name of your brand of sky-god, you pulled it off! You handed the reins of this country right back to a promiscuous, corrupt, lying, self-serving, narcissistic criminal who couldn’t care less about democracy, your god, or freedom. That’s right! The guy who has stomped all over civil liberties, who’s practically allergic to the words “free speech” and “human rights”—that’s the guy you decided to gift-wrap this country for. Why? Because you’re so hell-bent on turning this nation into your own little religious theme park that you can’t even see what’s happening right in front of your eyes!

And don’t you dare pretend you haven’t been working for this moment for years, oh no! You’ve been out there, systematically shredding every freedom you can get your hands on. Same-sex marriage? Nah, can’t have that. Couples who want to adopt kids? Nope, not on your watch! Trans people trying to use a damn bathroom? Oh no, not if the Evangelicals have anything to say about it! I mean, you’ve got your fingers in every pie—schools, libraries, the military! It’s like you’ve declared yourselves the morality police for every person in America. And let me tell you, we are sick of it.

You want to see a record of hypocrisy? Look no further than this crusade of yours. Freedom? Liberty? Ha! That’s just window dressing at this point. What you’re really doing is installing a warped version of Sharia Law. Yes, Sharia! Just slap a cross on it, call it “Sharia Christianity,” and suddenly you’ve got people nodding their heads, thinking they’re defending the Constitution. Well, spoiler alert: You’re not! You are ripping up that Constitution page by page, piece by piece.

And then there are those “good” Christians—you know who you are. You’re the ones who don’t agree with all this, right? The ones who say, “Oh, I’m not that kind of Christian.” But guess what? If you kept your mouth shut, you’re in on it too! Silence isn’t neutral. Silence is complicity. Martin Luther King Jr. said it best: “All that is necessary for bad men to succeed is for good men to do nothing.” So congratulations, because by doing nothing, you’ve given a big thumbs-up to every freedom-crushing policy out there.

And let’s talk about Jesus for a minute—remember him? The guy you claim to be following? Yeah, Jesus was no pushover! He saved every bit of his anger and vitriol, of which he had an abundance, for the very most religious people of his day—the ones who should have known better! Jesus didn’t say, “Oh, let’s be nice to the money changers in the temple (selling religious access for profit).” No! He went full nuclear! He made a whip! And he USED IT ON THEM! —the very most religious people in the joint! He kicked over tables! He screamed his lungs out and said, “Get this garbage out of here!” You think he was worried about being “nice”? Niceness isn’t a virtue. Niceness is a copout!

Evangelical leaders, you have betrayed every ounce of freedom you say you care about. You’ve turned this country into a battlefield, where every civil right, every personal liberty, every glimmer of equality is now up for grabs. And why? Because you couldn’t stay in your own goddamn lane. You couldn’t let people live their lives. And now—now you’ve given this nation to a dictator with a free pass to do whatever the hell he wants.

Oh, and don’t give me that sanctimonious nonsense about “making disciples.” You think that’s what you’re doing? Please. You’re driving people away! Because instead of being a light, a beacon of hope, you’re the damn flashing cop car lights in the rearview mirror. And you know what? People are fed up. They’re flipping you the bird on their way out the door.

So, on behalf of the millions of women, gays, lesbians, transgendered folks, people of other faiths, and ethnicities whose rights you just voted to trample in the name of your god, let me just leave you with this: Fuck you! Fuck your sky-god! Your job was to lead us to your faith—and instead, for the sake of your own archaic and trumped up version of morality and comfort, you’ve repulsed us from it entirely. If there actually is a God, there will be hell to pay—and you’re the ones who will be footing the bill.

Redd Tirdwatter
Redd Tirdwatter
Redd Tirdwatter is the newsroom’s resident curmudgeon, known for his razor-sharp wit and relentless pursuit of truth. A throwback to old-school journalism, he cuts through political spin with no patience for fluff or weakness. Read Redd's full bio here

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