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How to Handle Sore Winners: Boxing Gloves Have No Place In a Street Fight

Republicans were sore losers in 2020. In fact, right up until election day 2024, they were still screaming about a stolen election that never happened. But if you thought they were sore losers, get ready, because as bad as they were at losing, they are even more horrific at winning.

Here are 5 posts from X that exemplify the sort of petty hatred Republicans have decided to throw at us following the horrific election of their false-god-king on November 5th. Once we get through them all, I’ll give you my suggestions for what we should do about it.:

Let’s start with a little taste of ridiculous from a guy who claims to be a clerk for Justice Gorsuch, named Mike Davis

“Fuck unity. We have the votes. And they tried to kill Trump.”

Without even getting into the part where both would-be-assassins were registered Rethuglikkklansmen, let’s just point out the absurdity of this guy thinking we even want the unity he is trying to deny us. What a complete toolbag. Wanting unity with these people would be like trying to compromise with a school shooter over a platter of public school fish sticks and miniature (school size) milk. No! the compromise is “Don’t fucking shoot up the school, asshole!”

Remember Jigsaw from the “Saw” movies? Well make that villain just a little more evil and you might just maybe end up with an decent understudy for this conservative Jigsaw look alike who Can’t Understand Normal Thinking, Laura Loomer. She flapped her venomous hate hole all day following the election, so it was hard to choose just one thing to hit her for, but here’s the one I felt most egregious. before I share it with you, let me set the scene:

On one side of this post, you have a young American woman posting a little video for her friends, telling them that she’s pretty distraught over Cheeto Hitler winning the election. Pretty standard fare. There were millions of these kinds of videos made yesterday. You may have even made one yourself. I know I almost did. But the woman just happened to be crying in the video.

On the other side of the post you have close Trump confidante Laura Loomer, who more than likely will be offered some minor role in the regime. She’s doesn’t have the chops for anything major, but Trump likes her because she’s made a name for herself making Anne Coulter’s brand of hatred look like a series of sermons from Mother Theresa. Seriously, for those who like Acronyms, again: This woman Can’t Understand Normal Thinking.

So what does she do? She amplifies this poor woman’s innocuous video and pokes fun of her. To this point more than half a million people have seen this distraught woman melt down over something that really upset half the country. But for whatever reason, Laura felt threatened enough by this woman and pick on her saying:

“Liberal woman says she needs medication to deal with President Trump’s victory today while sobbing on video. The Democrat Party’s legacy will be the mental health crisis they created in America.”

I guess when you elect a piece of subhuman excrement like Der Orange Führer, who takes the time to bully everyone from a disabled reporter to a Gold Star family to Taylor Swift, you end up with even lower forms of life supporting them. Enter Laura Loomer!

Next up, a guy with a lot of horrific and terrible things to say on the regular, whose post here is less about the egregiousness of the post, and nowhere near even among the most horrific things he’s said but which echoes a stupid sentiment we’re going to hear a lot for awhile: Conservadouche Gunther Eagleman, had this to say:

“America is MAGA Country, like it or leave it!”

Now, while some of us may actually choose to pack up and leave, of our own volition, the fact is that that this election was pretty fucking close and we are not the fucking borg! (By the way, if you’re offended by certain words in this article, get over it. They’re words. And while Republicans may want to tell us how to eat, breathe, speak, fuck, read, and piss, I’m not having it. I’ll say what I want how I want when I want until they put me in a box and shove me in life’s final oven. Now back to our discussion)

Not only is it our right to continue to make the country we want vs the one we don’t and not only is that our responsibility, but the act of protesting is as American as it gets! From the Boston Tea Party to the civil rights marches to Black Live’s Matter, and countless protests and rebellions in between, the act of protesting is the story of America. It is how literally every major social change has come to pass in America. So when a broken tool like Gunther tells us to like it or leave it, all it tells me is that this weird creep never paid attention in history class because protesting and fighting back is what we do. It’s baked right in. We don’t leave. We fight! Like it, or lump it, Gunther!

That brings us to the Hodge Twins, bringing in their own brand of ridiculous by showing us just how misogynist this country really is. On Jimmy Kimmel’s program, he got a little choked up during his monologue, when speaking of all the people who were about to suffer because of the things that Donald Trump has promised, and that we know for sure he’ll do. What did the Hodge twins have to say about it? Well, they decided to go after his manliness for choking up. Here’s what they said:

“Low T Jimmy Kimmel has a breakdown on air 🤣”

It’s like we’re all back in third grade all over again except this time it’s OK to bully people for stupid shit like having human emotions. This is something Republicans love to do: they love to tease us for being human – – for actually, engaging our emotions and caring about other people. Somehow they have convinced themselves that the only legitimate way to be a man is to be Rambo, but they didn’t watch to the end of the movie. Those of us he did, though, know that as tough and manly as Rambo was, at the end of the movie, he cried his fucking eyes out. Because guess what? Men are people too. There’s no door prizes for being an emotionless action hero. I’ll take one Jimmy Kimmel over 1000 sets of Hodge twins— two black guys being used by the Republicans without any clue that the only reason they’re even invited to the dinner party is that they’re featured on the menu — all day long.

And what article of this nature would be complete without a quick effew to the guy who has likely never once pleasured his wife, Ben They-Taught-a-Monkey-to-Talk Shapiro? Ben’s sin? It’s pretty simple but it highlights what my colleague Redd wrote about yesterday when he blamed this election loss (rightly) on evangelical christians:

The Betrayal of Liberty: How Evangelicals Paved the Path to Fascism

“Well done, God,” Ben posted.

This is the problem with these people. Not only do they think they’re right. They think they are backed by their biblically contrary version of God, wherein somehow America is the land of gods, chosen people. And somehow they think they are justified by this, because somehow this conniving, dishonest, power-hungry, promiscuous, pugnacious manchild, with a dead ferret for a hairdo, who idolizes, authoritarian, dictators, and sports erections over military might is somehow gods ambassador—-the man sitting at the right hand of the supposed prince of peace. It’s ludicrous. It’s insulting, and they need to get their stupid half-baked death-cult religion out of our government.

So what do we do about these people? Well, for a decade now, we have been trying to continue to believe all of the things they told us in kindergarten. They have now proven themselves to be lies. We tried to be nice. We tried to be understanding. We have tried to teach them. When they have gone low we tried to go high, but none of that is working, because that’s not the world we live in anymore. If you put a boxer in a street fight and tell that boxer to put on his gloves and follow the rules, that boxer is going to get his ass kicked. This is a street fight, people. It’s time to put down the pumpkin spice latte, pick up a bottle of Jack Daniels, and learn to throw some fucking punches— figuratively or literally if that’s what it takes. This democratic republic of ours was forged in blood. Thomas Jefferson said “the tree of liberty must from time to time be refreshed with the blood of Patriots and tyrants.”

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not telling you to go out and be violent. What I’m saying is the metaphorical gloves need to come off and we need to start fighting like this is a street fight because that’s what it is. New rule: When they go low, we cop a squat, and treat them like the toilets they are.

Unity is well and good when both sides are committed to it but these people are not committed to it. They literally want to kill you. They want to harm your families. They want to harm the families of the people that you love and work with. This is all hands on deck. There’s no more time for stupid programming designed to make us docile.

“There is a time for everything under the sun”, says the Bible – – whether you are religious or not—“a time for peace AND a time for war.” The future of this nation and its principles depends, not on our ability to make friends and influence people, but our resolve to be the Warriors that the people on the right side of history in our nation have always been. Whether we do it violently or non-violently, with weapons, or with words, we can no longer afford to try the stuff they taught us. It’s time to bring the ugly.

Rip Mitako
Rip Mitako
Rip Mitako delivers sharp, no-nonsense political analysis, targeting hypocrisy wherever it lurks. With a commitment to consistency, he critiques both sides to keep the political landscape in check, one brutal truth at a time. Read Rip's full bio here.

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